Direct Response And Branding

Often seen as two distinct marketing disciplines. Branding is long term. Immeasurable and slow. Direct response is short term, measurable and fast. Seek to disprove this theory. What if direct response was a deliver mechanism for brand marketing? A seed for the virus to spread? When doing direct response marketing, there is waste. Even with great profits, you’re still getting in front of lots of people who don’t buy. You could still aim to delight and surprise them....

January 8, 2019 · 1 min · 117 words · bear

Fluctuating State

You are not always the same you. I am not always the same me. We fluctuate through states, with peaks and valleys across multiple parameters. It’s your responsibility, when you hit a peak, to sprint. To develop habits and routines that support you through a valley. To make change while you’re at the top. And then slowly, but more and more often, you’ll find that you’ve sprinted so fast that you’re launching across the next valley in a paraglider instead of tumbling down the mountain....

January 7, 2019 · 1 min · 85 words · bear

You Always Move From Somewhere

When seeking to move something, you have to know where it is, as well as where it should be, so you can apply a force in the correct direction. You need to understand the starting point, the force vector, and the end goal. The same principle guides personal change. Whether you’re trying to move someone else or yourself – you must understand the starting point before you apply a force. Otherwise you will, without a shadow of a doubt, miss the mark....

January 6, 2019 · 1 min · 103 words · bear

Be Your Own Series

To Make A Difference To make a difference, you have to do something different. To effectively do something different, you have to be different. Some work hard to decide how they’ll make a difference in the world. Some spend years on “discovering themselves”. Both are exercises in developing an identity from where change can spring. Gandhi touches the truth: If we could change ourselves, the tendencies in the world would also change....

December 31, 2018 · 10 min · 2076 words · bear

Empty Desk

If my incoming task list is growing faster than I can clear it, I have an input control problem. Inversely, if I can clear my tasks faster than they arrive, I can set aside time to develop effective systems and execution strategies. The heuristic to look for: Empty Desk. Proverbial desk. Is the inbox growing? Tighten the input controls. Practice the art of the deflector shield. Or suffer. The slow and steady spread of mess from surface to surface....

November 27, 2018 · 1 min · 139 words · bear