Bear Forest Studio - Closer to Nature

Bear Forest Studio

January 15, 2024 · 1 min · 3 words · bear

Project Ashtray

Cigarette butt litter is a huge global issue. Among many huge global issues. <- total littering could be halved if cigarette littering could be stopped. Cigarette butt litter is also a local problem, insofar as it happens locally. So why does it happen? This study indicates that the only attitude or belief that had measurable impact on a smoker’s tendency to drop their butts was whether or not they believed butts to be litter....

June 30, 2022 · 3 min · 528 words · bear

Expanding Creativity

I made a thing. Expanding Creativity is the fastest way for you to unlock huge portions of your creative potential, to let you make a dent in the world. The guide is split into short chapters, each finishing with a task to complete. These tasks are designed to be completed periodically, not as one-off performances. Each task is chosen specifically to engage and challenge the bits of your brain you’ll need to unfold yourself and take part in furthering the Collective Creative Canvas of humankind....

November 12, 2017 · 1 min · 201 words · bear

MAMAMOVE - postpartum training program was a 4 week postpartum training program developed as part of a school project, but then taken slightly further into IRL execution. The market for postpartum training was/is very underserved, and the solutions on the market were all positioned as a way to look good “for him” again. It seemed there was an opportuntiy for better service of the market, and wrapped in a “for you” position, focused much more on feeling great and strong....

March 15, 2017 · 1 min · 203 words · bear

Craftie - A Creative Marketplace was a two-sided marketplace for vendors (boutique creators) to sell homemade creative work to customers in DK. Think Etsy, but a trusted local player with deep embedding in the local popup market scene in DK. At peak we had 40 creators online, but never hit any meaningful sales volume. Basically the unit economics didn’t add up - not enough available margin to run advertising to scale the business. Hindsight is 2020....

June 30, 2015 · 1 min · 202 words · bear