When you make something real, and it comes from somewhere inside you, you put a little piece of yourself on display. Alone and undefended in the world. Open to criticism.

It can be terrifying. It always pays back dividends.

When you create, you expose yourself. You become vulnerable. When people move to support you in that vulnerability, that’s when you build a tribe.

When you create, you project an unmatchable authenticity into the world. It’s you. It’s real. It’s here.

When you create, you discover. Reaching deep inside to fish out something meaningful, you’ll stumble on things you didn’t expect to find. I know I do. Every time.

When you create, you put yourself at risk. You move slightly out of your comfort zone. And if you don’t feel that risk, you’re probably not making anything very interesting.

When you create, you make something of value for the world. There is only one way to make things anew, and that is to risk creation.