Guitar And Handstands

Learning to play the guitar will not get you a better handstand. That would be the logical conclusion for anyone who doesn’t examine the case very closely, and there’s really no incentive to examine the case closely. Yet, when you examine the case closely, it turns out that stronger fingers from holding chords on the neck of the guitar are also stronger when they need to hold a handstand position, digging the fingertips into the ground to balance....

February 3, 2020 · 2 min · 228 words · bear

On the Importance Of Making

Making is acceleration. It propels. It creates progress. Making is the opposite of consuming. Making is the difference between something and nothing. Making is all we have with which to oppose destruction. Making anew is what protects from stagnation and waste. Making is what lifts the standard. Making is the that which, when the universe’s inevitable heat death approaches, lets us say “at least we made something of our time here”....

January 28, 2020 · 1 min · 72 words · bear

Stillness Is The Key - Book Review

Ryan Holiday condenses the wisdom of stoics into a short manual for living. Again. Previous work by Ryan Holiday (such as Ego Is The Enemy) is themed around specific concepts, which provide some continuity during the reading experience. This latest addition to the collection follows a different hierarchy. The core idea is that stillness is a missing ingredient in many people’s lives today. This core is examined through 3 lenses – mind, soul and body....

January 28, 2020 · 2 min · 375 words · bear

Daily Planning - Initial Impressions

I’ve started a daily planning routine with a simple 2020 planner. One page per day. One line per half-hour from 8-21:30. So far it’s carried several tangible benefits with it. I now have a place to log my daily mobility practice, so I feel a sense of continuous achievement and a “streak” of performance over time. I’ve got a place to keep track of grease-the-groove movements, which at the moment is dedicated to pull-ups....

January 20, 2020 · 2 min · 357 words · bear

Herding Tigers - Book Review

“Herding Tigers” is Todd Henry’s playbook for being the leader that creative people need. Herding tigers because herding cats doesn’t adequately convey the feeling of leading a creative team. Lulz. Nice one, Todd. Apart from the intro (How to draw Darth Vader), the book is split into two sections, one for mindset and one for mechanics. It’s a clean split between approaching the task, and specific tactics. The book is very much an attempt to roll up all sorts of good little nuggets harvested from many sources....

January 20, 2020 · 3 min · 482 words · bear