The Bad Guys

Zombie flicks have layers. Zombies are bad, and they want to eat brains. Usually, there’s some extra evil human villains doing messed up stuff. Those people are super nasty. And finally, some of the good guys break. They lose it. Their inherent human flaws win out. Zombies are the baddies kids see. Villains are the real bad guys adolescents see. The human condition, and the constant flux it creates is what adults see....

July 11, 2019 · 1 min · 74 words · bear

Just Ask

It might feel like you’re doing something new. Something that’s never been done before. Chances are, 99% of it has – you’re just figuring out the 1% that’s new, adding your own twist. So for the 99%, you can ask. Phone a friend. Or a stranger. Somebody has been where you are. Find them. Ask for help.

June 20, 2019 · 1 min · 57 words · bear


The moment where change happens. No reflection – no change – no bigger and better future. Reflection doesn’t just happen. It’s a conscious effort – examining the work, and considering the reaction it got. Working out how to do it differently for more impact. Take the time to reflect.

June 13, 2019 · 1 min · 49 words · bear

Team Enrolment

Take people on a journey. Do it because it matters. Create change. Start talking about it. Stop waiting for instructions. Stop hoping for permission. Remove management and replace it with leadership by example and conscious coaching. Do these things for your team because they elevate people. Creating enrolment might be the single strongest factor in lifting a team to unimagined heights. When we market to create change, we escape the risk of mere manipulation....

April 15, 2019 · 1 min · 92 words · bear

Incrementally Radical - When Small Changes Are Huge

There’s not much difference between saying hi to 100% of your team when you get to work, and saying hi to 80% of your team. But the small difference from 80 – 100% is a huge difference. To someone it can be the difference between caring and indifference. Showing up vs. not showing up. Humanity changes radically with small adjustments. What’s the difference between greeting someone with a firm handshake or a hug?...

April 11, 2019 · 1 min · 133 words · bear