Writing For Neural Mapping

Storing, mapping and making use of all the learning opportunities life throws in your face is a devilishly tricky discipline. There are three major components to memory: Encoding, storage, and retrieval. Writing about things that matter to me, is my way to make sure I frequently train encoding, storage and retrieval of the most important data. By writing book reviews, I try to make sure the most important pieces are retrieved, pinned to my existing cognitive map with as many wires as possible, before being stored again....

November 24, 2018 · 1 min · 182 words · bear

Do It For The Art

In everything I do, I try to find purpose. I try to find beauty. I try to find art. There is a way to stand, speak and move that is all of these things. In this form of elevation there is a measure of comfort. There is opportunity. There is something to be found. The beautiful way is not the simplest. The purposeful way is not the easiest. But the story worth telling hides in the art....

November 23, 2018 · 1 min · 77 words · bear

Tell Yourself Lies

A meditation on the power of bias and story. I lie frequently and with great energy. I lie with reckless abandon. I lie until the lie I told is true. I lied about being an avid reader until I started reading every day. I lied about being brave enough to speak on stage, until I was looking out at a crowd, alive. I lied about being a structured professional, until I became a team leader....

November 22, 2018 · 2 min · 262 words · bear

A Budget Aor Happiness

What if everyone had a fixed monthly budget dedicated to making people happy? Regardless of size, such a budget flips a conceptual switch in the mind. You must optimise for happiness. You become a happiness optimiser. You are forced into serious consideration about what actions would bring most joy into the world. What a way to step out of the egocentric, and into empathy. You consider the question “how can I make this person happy” on a frequent basis – but even better, you consider “how can I make this person most happy”!...

November 21, 2018 · 1 min · 160 words · bear

Permission To Notice

In the daily grind, heads stay bowed. Feet trample worn paths. The world shrinks to tunnel vision in a grey cityscape with a screen in the middle. Be the one who stops. The one who sees – and lives. Be the one who notices. When you do this, something magical happens to those around you. You give permission. Go first, pay attention to the unnoticed, and remark upon that which is remarkable....

November 20, 2018 · 1 min · 153 words · bear