Roles That Change

For a huge variety of reasons, it can be absolutely necessary for the relationship between two people to change or rebalance. Maybe someone got a promotion, a family was extended or reduced, someone learned a new skill, or a multitude of other things. The relationship that was, is no more – but the behaviours that supported the old relationship linger. The perception of status roles are strongly ingrained. Most primates fix a good portion of this by beating each other senseless, and/or murder....

February 28, 2022 · 1 min · 133 words · bear

The Valve

The mind races, producing and interpreting for every waking hour. Thoughts, concepts, ponderings, plans and connections. It builds up like a reservoir, but unlike a reservoir, all of this has only the space between your ears. A lifetime’s worth of ideas. Your capacity can stretch, some, and it should. But without limiting the wonderful power of creation, or somehow solving for space, the pressure becomes too great – an outlet is needed....

February 21, 2022 · 1 min · 94 words · bear

The Pursuit Of...

More. Wealth – Years – Power – Happiness. The human condition cannot abide sameness. Contentment in less. But with a twist, this bio-drive can be rerouted. Not the pursuit of more for me. The pursuit of more for us. And the pursuit of more for us is simply the pursuit of better.

February 14, 2022 · 1 min · 52 words · bear

Greenlights - Book Review

Matthew McConaughey’s 50 years of adventure. The view from the half-way house. A guide to livin. McConaughey’s autobiographical work seems an endless stream of adventures. It shows appetite. Hunger. It reminds me to demand more from life. The meat and the experience of this read is in the stories, but the purpose is to convey eight principles for livin. It’s a handbook that reads like fiction. Vitamins in jelly beans. It creates no FOMO....

April 28, 2021 · 2 min · 254 words · bear

Leadership in Turbulent Times - Book Review

Lessons from the presidents by Doris Kearns Goodwin. What an incredibly rich description of 4 lifetimes of transformational leadership by 4 wildly different individuals with each of their own leadership styles, strategies and tactics to learn from. This is one of those reads that’s so dense, juicy and packed with gold nuggets, wisdom and perspective, that it’s completely impossible to extract the maximum value from it without dedicating years of re-reading and practice....

April 28, 2021 · 2 min · 344 words · bear