In the daily grind, heads stay bowed. Feet trample worn paths. The world shrinks to tunnel vision in a grey cityscape with a screen in the middle.

Be the one who stops.

The one who sees – and lives.

Be the one who notices.

When you do this, something magical happens to those around you. You give permission. Go first, pay attention to the unnoticed, and remark upon that which is remarkable. Be the seed, the catalyst, for a more beautiful life. Open the eyes of others. Give permission.

Notice the sound rain makes on the window. Notice how snow falls. Notice the crisp sensation of new paper. Notice the way light falls through the window. Notice how high heels click and socks slide. Notice the echoes. Say something.

By remarking on things, you make them remarkable. You elevate them. You elevate yourself. You give others permission to join you on your journey.