was a 4 week postpartum training program developed as part of a school project, but then taken slightly further into IRL execution.
The market for postpartum training was/is very underserved, and the solutions on the market were all positioned as a way to look good “for him” again. It seemed there was an opportuntiy for better service of the market, and wrapped in a “for you” position, focused much more on feeling great and strong.
To begin with, the team ran several live-training workshops with new-mom-groups to nail down the programming and check both the response to the exercises (live) and via a diary figure out the true effects of the program over time.
The program was determined to be reasonably effective as an MVP, and offered as a self-serve video solution on a WordPress backend. (vids hosted on YT)
In hindsight, the main issue with this product was that the instructor was a young male (me) - for this to scale and be a trusted program, it would have been necessary to recruit and shoot video with a female with the requisite experience to speak with compassion and empathy to the participants.
Can you see the videos? No, absolutely not <3