We have so little time. Often, I am struck by the insignificance of all that I am, and all that I have done. Struck by a desire to be more, do more, change more. A desire that all too often is unfulfilled.
Is it fuelled by ego? If so it should be quelled.
Is it a legitimate desire to change the world for the better? Perhaps “being more” is a means to an end - by being more, I can do more, and therein lies the meaning.
Is it for money and glory? If being more is merely an end to status and money, oh how worthless a goal.
Is it for the freedom to create? Then it is a fire to be let loose.
I am confounded by the motivations behind the desire, and how to let it out, and how much to expect from it. Perhaps gratitude is more fortuitous than desire to create a legacy.